Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ukraine Mission Trip 2011


My name is Emanuel Núñez. Some of you may know me as Manny or Tito. I am going to Ukraine this summer on a Choir Mission Trip! Please consider financially supporting me and praying for me!

The following describes why I'm going on this trip. It's pretty long, so read at your own convenience! I just thought I would let you know why I'm going on this trip. Thank you and God bless!


My passion and desire has always been to serve my God. To live my life for him and to follow his will for my life. He has been so good. I cannot even begin to describe how thankful I am for where I am today. For this reason, my main goal in life is to serve others with the gifts that God has so graciously given me.

When I heard about this Ukraine Mission Trip back in the fall, I was really excited. “Singing”, “orphans”, “mission trip”—that’s all I had to hear. I’ve never been on a mission trip. I’ve never been able to experience the joy of escaping my comfort zone and going to a place that is not my home so that I can share the most important story (The Gospel of Jesus Christ) with people who have been born in dark/godless places—deprived of everything I have been given.

I wanted to go…until I heard that it was going to be in the middle of May. Mission trips are expensive and it takes quite a bit of effort to raise the funds to go to another country for about a week. The travelling, the food, the accommodations, etc. are all aspects of a mission trip that cannot be overlooked. Not to mention, the extra plane ticket that I have to purchase to California when I return to Atlanta. This was scary, and I decided…I wasn’t going to go. So, I pulled back and didn’t even focus on the trip anymore. This was last year.

God knows my heart.

A couple Sundays ago, my music pastor Mark Blankenship approached me on this topic. He asked me what I was doing this summer. I told him that I was 90% sure I was going to be taking a job offer in San Diego, CA. Then he asked me if I ever thought about going on the Ukraine Mission Trip. I quickly responded “yes” and tagged on the explanation/conclusion that I had made in my mind about my finances and this upcoming year. After I explained, he stopped and told me that, for some reason or another, I was on his heart and that he thought the trip would be really good for me. This opened another door of thought for me.

“There is no way I can go”—“I can’t make this work”---“but…My job this summer”---“Tickets are expensive”---“I can’t raise support this fast”---“If I went, would I be going for the right reasons?” These are all things that went through my mind. He told me to pray about it. I told him I would—and I have.

Two Wednesdays ago, the lady who represents Hope House International came to speak to us about Ukraine and their mission as a ministry. Funny thing is…until then, I had no idea what our purpose as a choir was going to be in Ukraine. When I learned what the choir will be doing this summer, I was amazed. Hope House International is an organization that raises support in order to build homes for Christian families who are willing to adopt three or more children from an orphanage in Ukraine. We, as a choir, “will serve through concerts to help support the ministry and evangelical efforts of local Ukrainian pastors and missionaries, share the good news of the gospel through public concerts and personal testimonies and encourage local Christians. Orphaned children will experience joy, laughter and love through planned activities, music, drama, recreation, presentation of the gospel message, distribution of Children’s Bibles and gifts through the personal interaction with Mission Team Members serving as the hands and feet of Christ.”

Loved ones, this is my heart. This really is an opportunity of a lifetime. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the opportunity to take part in a Mission Trip with the same choir that has changed my life. God has given me the gift of worship, a voice that I want to, above anything, use for his glory and honor—not mine. In Ukraine, I will be able to use this gift in order to raise funds for these children! Not only that, but I will have the chance to love on them! I know that if I go on this trip, my view of this life will change.

Every summer I have spent during my time in college has been devoted to my success, the building of my future—training and earning money in order to reach a goal, which God has placed in my life—nothing wrong with that. This summer, I have a chance to give back to him by placing my future in his hands and trusting that he will provide. He will provide because I am choosing to follow his will. Am I financially uncomfortable about this upcoming year? Yes. Will it take a sacrifice? Yes--a big one. The real question is, do I trust him? Yes. I know he will provide.

For this reason, I really do not think that finances should hold me back.

The Lord showed me this when I decided to stop holding back my tithe my freshman year because I was in need. I decided to stop making excuses and just start giving to God, knowing that even if I have to live with “less”, I needed to trust that my God is greater than anything in this world. God has provided! We have all seen it!

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen.” --Philippians 4:19-20

Friends, please take some time to consider how/if you can support me. Even the smallest amount will help! You are my support and I cannot do this without you! For those of you who are praying with me...I will continue to update this blog--so please follow!

Thank you for your time!

In Christ,

Emanuel Nunez